Friday, February 6, 2009

A Documentation - GUI Design - Part 2

Fine, am not talking about the speed with which a application boots up, of course it is one among the different factors which attributes to a successful UI design. Let us see what are the other factors which makes a successful UI design.
• Your actual end user who is going to experience the UI (May be a Windows 9x or a Vista or a Mac user)
• User Friendliness: How you arranged your menus, how many clicks the user has to go through UI to get his information?, Is there any hidden menu in the hierarchy of the sitemap?, Does a Flash animation in the site helps him or distracts him?, Does the content spread is visible enough to the user or the menu and your design kills the content?
• Standard Compliance: Do you follow industry standards?, Addressed usability issues in your design ?
• Do you like what you do: Just because simply the client wanted , will you add an graphic element to a nice design and compromise your moral ethics as a designer?
Put together, Designing a standard GUI requires:
Understanding your end user
Make the UI user friendly
Yes Rules have to be broken, yet but follow standards to an extent, coz people don’t change overnight and give up habits.
Honestly at the end, you really like it yourself in the first place?

Next we will see, how someone differentiates design and calls a good design or a bad design in relation to the above mentioned four criteria.
More to come…

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