Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Documentation - GUI Design - Part 1

Way back in 1930 Vannevar Bush visioned "memex", that is the start of GUI.

Ahem.. Am searchin as well as i need a screenshot of the memex, If you come across kindly send it to me, will reward you nicely!

I started my career on computer with a Windows version 3.1, can you belive it? For a human being who struggle to decide and settle, whether for XP or Vista, please find attached the GUI of Windows 3.1 screenshot. I used to work on Aldus PageMaker, (Bought by Adobe and ReChristened "Page Maker" in 1994, now become InDesign)hopping on a machine which came with a MMX Processor 200Mhz, with a RAM of 16MB, not sure of HD capacity(Must be less than 1Gig), then Corel Draw Software with the balloons Splash screen used to launch in a lightning speed.

Does your current version of Illustrator, Corel Draw or Photoshop launches in 5 - 10 seconds? Do you like what you do?

In this series am going to write about GUI, its evaluation and its current form. Am not a great GUI expert, but still this subject fascinates me. By doing a study and writing on this helps me understand better and better of a UI Design, so do i seek, whoever read this might learn one or two from this documentation. I do a lot of study and research before i write, if you got a problem with a fact which mentioned here and defer from it, feel free to argue. Love to hear, debate and update facts.

More to come..

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